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As an artist of color based in Salem, Oregon, Bailey Dickey is motivated by her ability to amplify the voices of a rich array of peoples and cultures historically underrepresented in the world of fine art. She believes that portraiture can function as a tool of empowerment, allowing people of color to take up physical space along the historically eurocentric, white, walls of American art galleries and museums. In creating these works, Dickey aims to confront her audience with both the beauty and harsh reality of being a person of color in America.

Pulling inspiration from her experiences growing up in the desert landscape of Las Vegas, Nevada, and informed by her studies as an environmental science minor, Dickey also often creates work with a focus on the natural world and the relationship between humans and the environment. She is particularly interested in exploring topics related to climate change, environmental degradation, water resources, and endangered species. In combining her passion for art, design, and environmental science, Dickey hopes that she can both highlight the beauty of the world we live in, and educate her audience on the current and future challenges that the natural world faces. 


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